Women & Power Retreat

Support the OWLC

Why Your Gift Matters

We believe that now, more than ever, the world needs creative, compassionate women leaders.

Help us nurture and inspire the next generation of women leaders who will meet the world's challenges with courage and wisdom.

We are grateful to the generous individuals, foundations, and corporations that have supported the OWLC's work over the last year to create a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world - for everybody.

To learn how you can play a critical role in this work through your philanthropy, contact Kate Cruz, Development Director, at KateC@eomega.org

I feel that Omega is like an oasis. Frankly, I think that every woman who is going to be a leader in the nonprofit world should have the benefit that Omega brings.
Soffiyah Elijah ,

Executive Director, Alliance of Families for Justice, Juno Leadership Collective alumna

Soffiyah Elijah
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Omega Members enjoy:
  •  Discounts on most workshops, conferences, and online courses.
  •  Early notification of popular workshops that may sell out.
  •  One free online course each year and invitations to special events.
  •  Discounts at the Omega Wellness Center and 10% off most Store and Café purchases.
  •  Online access to articles, videos, talks, and 40 years of wisdom from our archive. 
Additionally, Omega Members are notified early and pay less for workshops and online courses. Enjoy discounts and perks at the Wellness Center, Store, and Café. Fund our scholarships, and fuel community outreach and nonprofit partnerships. As a not-for-profit organization; your gift helps widen our reach.

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