May 4, 2014

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Keep Power Lines Within Current Footprint

Continuing their campaign against proposed power line expansion plans in upstate New York, Scenic Hudson and Omega Institute have had a letter to the editor published in the Albany Times Union. 

Signed by Omega CEO Robert “Skip” Backus and Scenic Hudson president Ned Sullivan, the letter says any plan to expand the state’s electricity transmission infrastructure must ensure power lines remain “within the footprint of existing infrastructure,” and urges “the [Public Service Commission] to accelerate selection of bidders that fully meet these goals.”

Doing so will allow farm, home, and business owners, whose properties abut or are in the viewshed of proposed utility expansion corridors, some much needed clarity on how their lives and properties will be affected in the future. 

Read the full letter to the editor.

Learn more about the Omega Center for Sustainable Living.