December 17, 2014

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Governor Cuomo Bans Fracking

Omega applauds Governor Cuomo and his administration's decision to ban hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in New York State and congratulates all those who have worked in dialog to bring about this considered outcome.

The decision to ban fracking—a method to extract gas or oil from shale rock—was delivered at a year-end cabinet meeting today in Albany. 

"Governor Cuomo's decision demonstrates an understanding and respect for the connections between society, nature, and individuals, and their contributions to creating healthy communities," said Robert “Skip” Backus, chief executive officer at Omega. "While each of our actions toward preserving our collective resources is important, the state's leadership is essential for protecting fresh water—a vital and irreplaceable resource—during a time when it is not guaranteed anywhere in the world. This decision moves New York toward being a national and global leader in environmental preservation and building a sustainable economy that doesn't rely on energy solutions that endanger our environment." 

Read more about the announcement