September 17, 2015

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Seeds of Change

By Vandana Shiva

Over the past decade, presenters and participants at the Omega Center for Sustainable Living's conferences have added an important voice to the national conversation on our environmental, economic and social challenges.

At the OCSL's Seeds of Change: Cultivating the Commons conference, Vandana Shiva and Winona LaDuke were joined by renowned water advocate Maude Barlow, consumer activist and political commentator Ralph Nader, ecological visionary John Todd, and grassroots seed freedom and food justice advocates Ken Greene, Natasha Bowens, Jalal Sabur, and Will Allen.

Whether you are already working closely with these issues, or are interested in learning more, we invite you to be part of a growing community coming together to protect and care for the commons, including the pivotal right to save and share seeds, the necessity of stewarding our water resources, as well as transparency in labeling and access to healthy food.