Omega Dining Hall

The Food We Serve

Radishes, carrots, and other veggies

At breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you’ll find local, mostly organic, sustainable, nutrient-dense, artisanal, and whole-food meals. We take special care to provide delectable options for folks with common food allergies as well.

Gluten-free? Vegan? You'll find a delicious meal that will leave you feeling nourished.

Specific dietary questions? See our FAQ.


    A bowl of porridge with colorful toppings

    Every morning, you’ll find delicious, hearty breakfast foods, including fresh eggs, bean scramble, steel-cut oatmeal, home fries, fresh fruit, local yogurt, dried fruits and nuts, cereal, and granola. Daily specials may include French toast, pancakes, breakfast burritos, bagels, frittata, or kitchari.

    Lunch & Dinner

    Salad on a plate
    • Salad with raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, prepared salads, and homemade salad dressings, including dairy and nondairy options
    • Soup
    • Cooked vegetables and grains
    • Main entrée with mostly vegetarian, primarily bean-based protein options and/or eggs or cheese. Meat options may also be available.



    Delicious dessert options are available in the Omega Dining Hall during select meals, while supplies last!



    Also Available at Every Meal



    • Variety of local organic breads
    • Flat breads and crackers
    • Organic peanut butter and organic almond butter
    • Fruit spreads
    • Local butter and Earth Balance

    Gluten-free breads, crackers and rice cakes with the same options are also available.



    • A seasonal selection of simply prepared, vegan foods, including a grain (like quinoa, or white or brown rice), organic legumes, and leafy greens and vegetables



    • Organic fair-trade coffee
    • Black and herbal organic Numi teas
    • Alternative sweeteners: organic agave nectar, local honey, evaporated cane juice, and stevia
    • Local dairy: whole milk and half & half
    • Organic nondairy: almond and oat milk
    • Apple juice and orange juice
    • Filtered water



    • organic ginger juice
    • organic extra virgin olive oil
    • organic apple cider vinegar
    • Bragg's Liquid Aminos
    • homemade hot sauces
    • organic gomasio (salted roasted sesame seeds)
    • Frontier Natural Products Co-op organic fair trade spices
    • organic sea vegetable flakes, and more

    Food That Comes From Farms & Vendors We Trust

    Red barn and agricultural fields

    The food we serve begins on local farms with nutrient-rich soil and plants. From the field to our kitchen and then to your plate, every meal is made and delivered with care.

    Here is a list of local farmers, food vendors, and equipment and food service providers we are proud to work with throughout our July to October season:

    There are also several wonderful regional food vendors that supply our kitchen. They are:

    We compost food scraps at Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency. And our used fryer oil goes to local organic Thompson-Finch Farm to create biodiesel fuel for their tractors.

    Food & Dining FAQ

    Omega’s Dining Hall offers vegetarian and vegan options at every meal, as well as nondairy, wheat-free, gluten-free, and soy-free options. 

    Why do you serve mostly vegetarian food in your Dining Hall?

    A primarily vegetarian diet fulfills one of Omega's core values—sustainability. Vegetarianism consumes fewer resources and leaves a smaller carbon footprint than a heavily meat-based diet.

    What if I have food allergies?

    As a full food-service operation serving around 1,800 people a day, we are unable to guarantee any dish to be free of food allergens, although we do our best. For those with severe food allergies (peanuts, soy, dairy, etc.), please contact our Special Needs Coordinator at 845.266.4444ext. 181.

    What if I am sensitive to gluten?

    Guests with gluten sensitivities will find many gluten-free options at Omega. The Omega Essentials Bar, Salad Bar, and main dishes regularly contain gluten-free options—and there are always gluten-free breads at the north side Bread Bar. At breakfast, we provide gluten-free cold cereal. Condiments like tamari and miso are also gluten-free.

    Can Omega cook something special for me? Or can I bring my own food?

    We are not able to cook specifically for individual guests, but we offer 24-hour access to a shared Guest Kitchenette Space (used by guests and Omega’s seasonal staff), where you will find a microwave, sink, and a guest-only refrigerator and freezer. You are invited to bring any supplemental foods with you that you may need.

    What if I have other concerns?

    Please contact our Special Needs Coordinator at 845.266.4444, ext. 181 if you have any dietary restrictions, mobility or activity limitations, allergies, etc. The more we know about mobility or dietary needs before your arrival, the more we can strive to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

    What if I have dietary restrictions that weren’t addressed here?

    Please contact our Special Needs Coordinator at 845.266.4444, ext. 181 before your arrival so we can discuss all your options.

    Omega Café

    Stop into the Omega Café throughout the day and after evening workshop hours for coffee, tea, other beverages, snacks, desserts, and Jane's ice cream. Enjoy free Wi-Fi and a view of the Omega Garden from the sun deck!