
Christy Droog

Christy Droog is a LifeForce Energy Healing practitioner and best-selling author of Broken Whole: Healing a Shattered Heart Through Divine Love and Unbreakable Faith. She became a graduate of Deborah King’s LifeForce Energy Healing® program in 2016 and continues to enhance her skills as a certified practitioner and teacher with the Deborah King Center.

Christy was born a healer. As a young child she was keenly aware of her compassionate heart, which guided her into the healing arts. She then attended university and earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing. Christy now has 20 years of clinical experience as a registered nurse, with special interest in palliative care. Following the tragic death of her precious young son in 2002, she later became a primary caregiver and advocate throughout her beloved mother’s extensive journey with cancer and subsequent passing.

With Christy’s foundation in traditional medical training and combining it with the powerful current of energy medicine, she is eager to share about transformation, whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual, so that you can easily access your inner light and remember who you really are.