Howard Moody is an educational consultant with a focus on play. He is an advanced trainer for the Nurtured Heart Approach and a consultant with IDEA Champions, where he teaches creativity and team building through improvisational theater to help transform the workplace into an environment that encourages people to be themselves and operate at the highest level of insight, creativity, and teamwork.
He is on the retreat staff of Retribe and has been a faculty member at Omega since 1985.
Moody, with Brian Allison, is cofounder of Adventure Game Theatre (AGT), a unique form of play and personal growth for teen and adults that combines experiential learning with creativity, improvisational theater, play, community building, mythology, and storytelling.
Moody has studied with Jean Houston, Martin de Maat (The Second City), Michael Meade, Robert Bly, and play specialist Fred Donaldson.