Past-life regression therapy has gained widespread recognition as a therapeutic model. Brian Weiss, MD, best-selling author of Many Lives, Many Masters and Miracles Happen, is known as the nation’s foremost expert in the field.
Explore the latest in hypnotic past-life regression therapy to find a new level of healing for your body, mind, spirit, and relationships. Using experiential techniques, including large-group hypnotic regression exercises, healing visualizations, meditation, and intuitional and right-brain training, we harness the power of love and understanding to transform our lives.
Dr. Weiss demonstrates past-life regression with a volunteer or two from the group. There is ample time for questions and answers in this casual and relaxed weekend.
This workshop is valuable for health-care professionals who want to add a new dimension to their therapeutic repertoire, as well as nonprofessionals who want an in-depth experience of this approach as a way to increase understanding of self and the nature of human existence.
Note: Miracles Happen is one of Omega's most popular workshops and will host as many as 525 participants. Register early to secure your seat and housing.